Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The simple things in life

The simple things in life which you couldn't accurately put a cost to and while they're often free, in most cases they're often priceless.

The simple things which provide much needed joy today for me were:
  • Several hours spent in the garden with youngest MM this morning pulling up weeds and making it look nicer. Beautiful weather and physical labour accompanied by a sense of achievement - the simple things.
  • Curled up on the lounge, freshly showered, with a nice big bowl of healthy, crunchy salad watching the old television classics of my childhood - Nightrider and Quantum Leap - the simple things.
  •  A house silent but for the noise of tapping on the laptop keyboard and the washing machine whirring. Everyone is out and the house is quiet, peaceful and calm - the simple things. 
So I need your opinion, I've been thinking about getting another tattoo for a long time and I've come up with three solutions, well two that I'm gelling on at the moment and another one that's not too bad, so I want your thoughts on my choices.

I'm thinking small (quite small) on my foot / ankle, I'm not too sure where yet and obviously it's dependent on what the tattooist suggests. Are you ready for it?

These are the chinese symbols for 'Inspiration 2 Dream' - is that really corny? I would obviously have to have it checked for translation and accuracy but it seems to be what's calling out the loudest to me at the moment. Then there's this next one which means Dream, Believe, Achieve

However this next one was kind of appealing as well. It means double happiness.

Why am I talking about tattoos, well besides the fact that I've been thinking about it for quite a while and it would be somewhat symbolic of turning 40 this year. I also updated my 101 challenges in 1001 days (one of my challenges is to get another tattoo). I realised how I've let the list drop off somewhat, at the same time there were a lot of things that I could cross off.
I think that I probably need to rework the list because there's two side to that list, the things that I definitely want to accomplish within the 1001 days and the things that I would 'like' to do and until I put them into proper goal context that's all they will be, is 'wants'. Does that make some sort of crazy sense - it does in my mind at least.
Yesterday I accomplished all of my Christmas shopping, bar one or two minor things which I can pick up with food shopping on Friday. Another one of the simple things in life which make you smile.
To Jenn, Louise and Marion thank you for your support and kind words this week. Jenn and Louise you both keep me grounded. Marion you're only new to my blog but you still encouraged and left kind words. It's probably what I love best about blogging, the support and friendship and often just the 'cyber hugs' which pick you up and help you to continue on your journey of life.

In some ways you guys are strangers and in other ways from being here, from sharing the ups and downs of this crazy thing called life you probably know me better than half my actual friends and family. Again, thank you.

Cheers, Fi

We cannot change our past. We can not change the fact that people act in a certain way. We can not change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. ~ Charles R. Swindoll 

1 comment:

  1. I love the sound of silence in the house. That truly is a simple pleasure that I try to accomplish at least a couple times per week. Yesterday I was home alone while the girls were at school and Daniel was at work. He came home and couldn't believe I had not turned on SOMETHING to listen to. I love it!

    As for a tattoo, I can't vote on that one because I wish I didn't have mine. :-(


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