Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Putting my feet up...

The last few weeks have been tougher than tough and if I had a dollar from everyone who asked me whether I thought I was doing the right thing then I probably could have retired by now.

Who ever knows if they're doing the right thing? You sometimes just have to take a leap of faith and go with your gut feel. I did and I have.

Changing jobs, buying a house, starting a new relationship - do we ever know wholly and solely if it's the right move and that everything will be a breeze and work out just as we dream? No-one does, ever.

Driving to Renmark yesterday, I had three and a half hours in the car and my gut feel was that yes I have done what's right for me. For months my writing has been frozen, and don't ever let anyone tell you that writers block is anything other than psychological.

Me on the open road, with sunshine and blue skies as far as the eye could see and the ideas started to flow. New story lines were tumbling over each other in my head and wanting to be free, which made me want to pull into a parking bay and start scribbling. I guess one of my tasks is that I need to learn how to use the voice record function on my i-phone.

Today I sit at my 'office desk' which is actually the outside table on my mum and dad's verandah. The sun is shining, the skies are clear and blue and the sounds of the country and birds are all that I can hear.....and I write.... and let the peace wash over me.

The view out of my 'office' window today
I don't even need to begin to tell you how much I needed this. Time to relax and put my feet up before I have to face reality again.

In my entire working career I've never formally applied for a job because every position I've ever had has been through people's recommendations or my contacts. That means I'm on a big learning curve as I start the next stage of my working life.

Yes, I still need to find a regular paying job to ease hubby's concerns but at the same time it has to be something that challenges me and excites me and makes me feel alive again. I haven't felt that way for the longest time, like I make a difference or add value to what I am doing.

Some don't understand that feeling either which means some people look at me like I've grown two heads and say things like "you did what, you quit a perfectly good paying job, why would you do that and especially in this economic climate?"

So I can feel alive again I say. Yes I now have two heads and purple spots - lol

It's like when people say they will wait to have children until they can afford them. If you wait until you can afford to have children then you will never have them. If I wait until the economic climate is booming again and there's a plentiful supply of jobs then I will have shriveled up inside and wasted away.

I also have plans which include getting my website and personal writing business up and really flying. (On a side note - the 'Universe' just rang with another option to consider, life just keeps getting more intriguing)

Everything happens for a reason and I will embark on my journey to see where I end up and I will share the good times and the bad here on this page, because life is an adventure and I'm the captain of this ship.

Cake photos as promised from Friday.

These are symbols from 12 years with the company
Hope your week is a good one which takes you one step closer to realising your dreams. I intend for mine to be.

Cheers, Fi

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