Sunday, October 9, 2011

Wannabe Challenge Queen

So I finally found some time to finish my list of 101 challenges to complete in 1001 days and I've updated what I've completed so far on the 101 in 1001 tab on my blog.

I added some more challenges that I'm really looking forward to doing and while I'm probably not overly rapt with my progress so far in completing some of them, I'll get there eventually.

There's one completed challenge on the list that was completed before my 101 list began but because it's from my original bucket list of '40 challenges before I'm 40 years old' and because it's a monumental challenge to accomplish, well it's staying.

After all, giving up smoking is my ultimate accomplishment for 2011. I have now been a non-smoker for 62 days - woohoo!!

So since my challenge list began on the 24th September, what have I done other than finish writing my list of 101 challenges? In the last three weeks I've -
  • actively been more social and spoken to new people (my new job requires it)
  • driven to Renmark to visit family members
  • ridden the train to work
  • had my grandson for overnight visits
  • done something spontaneous (driving to Renmark without lots of forward planning is spontaneous for me - I surprised all of my family members which was an added bonus)
So as you can see it's been a little bit of a slow start, but finding 101 challenges isn't as easy as it sounds either. Now that we're through the first month with the project team, work has settled done somewhat. Plenty of work still to do but not the crazy busy, insane pace of that first month.

One of my greatest wishes which appears on my challenge list is to take my boys overseas (before they're too old and think holidaying with mum and dad is a drag) Okay so they're probably at that stage already but an overseas trip will still possibly sway them.

Last year hubby and I went to Bali and we discussed going back there this November and taking the boys. Well that was before hubby built a new man-cave (shed) and squandered all of our money and before I swapped jobs and got swamped with work.

Anyway, November has sort of became a 'not going to happen' pipe dream, which is a little sad because it was going to be my 40th birthday celebration. I'm now on a mission to try and convince hubby that taking the boys to Thailand in January is a better option. Yeah, I'm also a little wary of taking my teenagers to Bali given the recent events over there, but visiting Thailand has always been a goal as well.

No, we haven't suddenly discovered a pot of gold in the back yard but sometimes you have to do the things that really mean something to you. Middle MM turns 17 in January, there isn't a lot of time left to be able to take my boys overseas as a family unit. I'm sad enough that eldest MM wouldn't be a part of it, but he now has his own family.

Besides, as I reminded hubby (subtly of course) by giving up smoking it means that between now and Christmas we will have saved more than $2000. Such a horrendous waste of money smoking is. I miss it, but I also know that this time I won't go back.

So, because I'm a huge believer in the power of positive thought and because it means I could also wipe a whole lot of challenges from my 101 challenges list in one big swoop, I'm boldly repeating the mantra 'Everything I seek is seeking me now…' and visualising these pictures.

Now come on, surely you can visualise me riding an elephant and sitting on a beach like this? Only time will tell and you my lovely readers will be the first to know, after hubby and the MM's of course.

Now what is it that you're dreaming of, or visualising ...and if you're not - then why not? Hope you've all had a great weekend and are busy dreaming and visualising.

Cheers, Fi

Positive thinking is expecting, talking and visualising with certainty what you want to achieve, as an accomplished fact.


  1. Congrats Fi on the non smoking for 62 days that is so very awesome! I love this challenge thign you are doing. How fun! Been super busy and havent done much blogging or reading so sorry i have missed you and so many others. Hope to return to blogging again real soon.

  2. i see you, i see you, with a big smile and a large hat!!

    i myself picked up a brochure recently though i neither have the time or money for a cruise...
    but that was then, this is NOW!! what if things changed?

    have you considered Viet Nam. i hear only good things about it.

  3. Congrats on the non-smoking! The monmey you save will help pay for a trip. :)


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