Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Proud to be an Aussie

Like attracts like. Whatever the conscious mind thinks and believes, the subconscious identically creates.~ Brian Adams


Okay I'm writing quick today because our ride will be here in an hour for our dinner outing, there's a convoy of our friends going so it should be a good afternoon.

I realised something last night while watching the Australian of the Year awards and it was knowing that some people are just destined to be someone. I'm talking about Jessica Watson who was named the Young Australian of the Year last night. This kid is the most amazing individual and will be one of those 'somebodies' who do something special with their lives.

Don't get me wrong, we all do special things every day but you know when you see or meet someone and you just know that they're special. This is the girl who became the youngest ever person to sail single handedly around the world at the age of 16. There was some discrepancy with her not following quite the route she was meant to so she didn't make it into the record books but this is not of any consequence. She achieved her dream.

What is of importance is that she set a goal and achieved what she set out to do. Nine months on a boat in the middle of the ocean on your own. I don't think that I would be able to do it for a day let alone 9 months and I've got 20+ years on her. This is an outstanding feat for anyone, not just a 16 year old.

She is quoted in the paper today as saying that she's just a normal, ordinary kid and that 'You don't have to be anyone or anything to achieve something. You've just got to believe in it and work hard, so to all you Aussies out there, particularly us young guys, let's dream big. But more importantly, let's make it happen'

Amazing words of inspiration for all of us to learn from and heed. Words also from a now 17 year old girl who has the wisdom of someone twice her age. Her speech put the adults to shame because while they all might have been reading scripted speeches hers was the one that came from the heart and her words were spoken with the passion of someone who believed what she was saying and I am sure she will continue to do amazing things. Her next focus is climate change and raising awareness of it. Wow!

It was witnessing her speech that truly made me realise what being an Aussie is all about and made me proud to say that I am one. Every country has its own amazing individuals and I think that we need to do more to encourage our children to dream big and then go out there and achieve their dreams. It doesn't matter what their dream is as long as it's important to them.

So dream big everyone because I plan to.

Cheers, Fi

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Everyone has something valuable to say and I would love for you to share your thoughts