Saturday, June 29, 2013

6WS - The things I'm especially grateful for...

It's been a while, but hear that? It's the sound of silence...oh and the dog snoring.

Hubby is at a work show tonight, youngest is working, middle son - well who knows - he's 18 and it's Saturday night, so he's out and my oldest well he moved into his new home today.

Let me just do my happy dance, because some days I thought it would never happen. Not me being alone, but oldest moving back into his own home.

Six months since we packed him and all his stuff up. He went from his own place, to house sharing with two other guys, to the new girlfriends parents place, to a week with us and then several weeks with his dad. Finally back into his own place today. It's a gorgeous little house, light and bright and full of good vibes.

It's been a long and eventful journey for him and I think (I hope) he's learnt some valuable lessons over the last few months.

Maybe now without so much to worry about then I can focus on me again, that and my writing. My website has sat largely untouched for weeks, my latest book is in the final stages and still sits untouched and unloved. My fictional novel sits waiting for me to restart writing.

My co-worker returned to work last Monday, what a joyous day that was. I willingly and gladly handed most of everything back across the desk to her and have never been so happy to do so. Property Management and me - yeah not so fun.

Busy weekends coming up. A friends' birthday next Saturday and family birthday dinner for my grandson next Sunday. The following weekend hubby and I are off to Renmark for my niece and nephews combined birthday party and to see my family. Then the following weekend hubby and I are taking a truck full of steel across to Point Turton where a friend of ours is building a holiday home.

I think after all of that, I might need a holiday. This week, I'm thankful for the following;

  • my son's awesome new home
  • a night of peace and quiet to just chill and relax
  • my gorgeous grandson who turned 2 this week
  • my job - because while it drives me crazy, at least I have one
  • that I can go to sleep knowing my family is safe, happy and healthy
  • a roof over my head and food in my cupboards
  • that I can read and write - it keeps me sane
So what have you got to be especially thankful for this week?

Cheers, Fi


  1. Congratulations to your son on his new home. It's nice to have a fresh start sometimes. For some reason, for me a new home always gives me a new outlook on life.

    This week I am grateful for a job that I love. I started putting my classroom together for this school year yesterday, and I am just so amazed at how exciting it can be. I spent a lot of time this summer understanding my school's background and philosophy, and I really do think I found "home."

    1. I agree about the new home, new start. As a child we moved a lot, as a young adult, I moved a lot. I loved the change because I too feel like it's fresh and revitalizing.
      We've been in this same house for 19 years now, so I'm beyond overdue for a move. I'm glad you've found 'home' and are enjoying your job so much

  2. What a wonderful list! This week (and every week) I'm grateful that I can be a stay-at-home mom. My kids are growing so fast; I don't want to miss it!

    Have a lovely weekend. ☺

    1. Enjoy them while you can Dana, it feels like only yesterday that my children were only little. Now they're nearly all grown up and I long for those days

  3. Replies
    1. Exhausting weekend, now that I've finally sat down - but things got done :-)

  4. What a great list Fi! I am grateful for a much needed, long overdue vacation this week!

  5. I can hear that loud exhale of breath, Fi. Peace at last, however brief. Enjoy it. :)

  6. Welcome back to 6ws. I am taking a needed break today, too. It sounds like your life is quite busy.

    My 6ws is here: http://

    1. Busy is good, some of the time. Enjoy your break today

  7. Hi, enjoyed reading your 6ws. I am new to the hop. I also joined the 10 Things of Thankful Hop. Have a great weekend. I love writing too. :)

    1. I haven't participated in 6WS for a while cos of the busyness, but strangely I come back and it's like I never left. I'm sure you'll enjoy it too

  8. Congrats _ i just smiled wide for you

  9. Thanks for kicking me ....I have been in a bucket of self pity lately and your post reminded me that even in the dark, there is light and many things to be grateful for So glad things are turning back around for you although they don't sound like they are slowing down much. Such is life, right? Have a great rest of the week! And have fun and your grandsons birthday party. Bet he is a character and will have a blast! I remember when mine turned two how much more aware they were of everything...presents especially. Take care.

  10. I've just written a gratitude post but it's scheduled so you'll have to wait two hours to find out what I'm happy for!

    Lovely post which made me smile. Thank you :D

  11. Sounds like a great list to me. I'm longing for some quiet myself. In time I guess. But I'm pretty sure my middle daughter is going to live with us till she's 40 ; )


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