First up I attended an aqua aerobic class, which is something I haven't done since my kids were little. Lets be honest, I'm not a lover of exercise.
While I make every effort and I would love to be one of those people who effortlessly exercises, alas I'm not. I start out with the best of intentions but its always an effort.
Basically I don't like getting hot and I usually get a headache when I do get hot. In which case aqua aerobics is pretty awesome for that purpose and I think I might just keep going - best of intentions and all so we'll see how we go.
I also attended a writers critique group last night which I was a little hesitant about, comfort zone and all. This was primarily to get a feel for how this group runs because this one is full and I'm contemplating being the person who facilitates the second group.
My dedication (insanity) was evident, I set off from home at 5.30pm to drive forty minutes into the city and the rain was horizontal and coming down so hard that my windscreen wipers couldn't keep up. I'm glad I went though, it's an interesting group of people and it brought back very vivid memories of when I was at Uni and critiquing was an essential element of all of my writing courses.
It's the kick in the pants that I need and provides great motivation to write plus it's also a great learning experience. I have another writers group to attend next week and then I'll decide what suits my needs.
So I sit writing this in my new 'workspace' which I love, love, love. I had to go to battle with hubby, well not really - we just had to agree on the space and the type of desk I got. Despite him being sick and miserable (he's got my bug) he drove me across town on Sunday to pick up the desk.
Long story short - the desk he wanted me to get (to match our other furniture) was going to cost an arm and a leg brand new and no-one in Adelaide had the corner desk I wanted or the right size. A search online at Gumtree turned up the perfect corner desk in baltic pine for, wait for it - $80, simply amazing.
The desk looks like it was made to go in the spot I've put it. It turns out the desk was custom built by the original owners for their sons bedroom, so yes I asked and the Universe provided.
Once I get my space set up just as I want it, then I will post a picture. I'm certain it will make me write better, and if nothing else at least I can sit and write and not get a neck or back ache, so its a winner regardless.
That's my news for now, dinner is cooked, triple choc muffins made for the kids, house is clean and now I have all night to sit and write while hubby is working. I need to start making some money - still can't lose that guilty feeling about not going to work at the moment.
Cheers, Fi
It sounds like things are going well for you! I LOVED water aerobics when I was pregnant with both of my girls. Back then I actually liked to exercise, and it was a great way to do so safely. I hope the rest of your week is incredible!