
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I'm a 'Versatile Blogger'

My hubby can be a challenging person to live with sometimes (not that I'm the best person to live with at times either) but he always comes through when I need him to, especially when I least expect it. He has helped lessen the burden that I've been carrying regarding my eldest son which has made my step somewhat lighter and restored some of my positivity. I'll point out at this stage that this is my son, not biologically his and their relationship has not been without it's issues over the years.

Eldest son still has a way to go to sort out the mess he is in but hopefully our assistance will lessen the stress and help him sort himself out. Now on to more positive things - guess what I got yesterday - an award (very exciting!)

Thank you Debra @ Writing with Debra, it was a nice surprise after the week I've had. There are rules associated with the award which are...

1) A link back to the person who gave you the award...

2) Tell 7 random things about yourself...

3) Award 15 recently discovered bloggers

4)  Contact each blogger you want to pass the award on to and let them know you’ve done so, and let the giver of your award know you accept it… or not.

So following those guidelines, here we go.

Seven random things about me:

1. I don't eat chocolate (don't hold that against me)
2. I have a son, hubby has a son and we have 2 sons together (always too much testosterone in my house - although only 2 are still at home)
3. I'm a salad and vegies sort of girl (but not a vegetarian)
4. I have written just over 60,000 words on my first novel
5. I love travelling
6. I have one brother
7. My first grandchild is due in June (surprise, surprise - it's a boy!)

Now to pass this awesome award on to some of the entertaining bloggers that I visit on a regular basis: (not sure that I can do 15, but I'll give it my best shot)

Recover your Joy - Louise is inspiring and restores my faith in human nature. Her blog is a must for anyone needing a pick-me-up
My Little Life - this is a new one I've found and Mama M is a mother of 5 (that earns my respect to start with) but she's also entertaining to read
Show my Face - Love Cate's Six Word Saturday and I've become a regular visitor  (I know it's sad when my Saturday nights biggest enjoyment is visiting other blogs - my hubby works 2 out of 3 weekends so Saturday nights aren't big in my social calendar)
4 What's on Heidi's Mind - Heidi always has a good supply of favourite things to read about and things to try
5 Kloppenmum - relatively new to me and I love this blog, lots of awesome advice on mothering 3 boys (now that I can identify with)
6 Oikology - originally found this blog after searching for instructions on creating blog buttons. Carrie also has some very creative things she makes and explains on her blog.
Calm Blue Ocean - I originally found Fi's site from the comments on another blog, she was witty in her comment and of course shared the same name as me.
Stacy Uncorked - I've only recently discovered Stacy and was enthralled by her story leading to the birth of her 'Princess Nagger'
Brenda's Writing Blog - This blog I've been visiting for a while, Brenda has 4 kids and is a writer which obviously interests me and keeps me going back to see where she's at as opposed to my progress on my book.

Okay 9 is my limit, but they're all fun and enjoyable blogs which I enjoy visiting - I'm a big believer in quality outweighing quantity. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked


  1. a novel??
    that's great!!
    good luck with all of that testosterone!!
    no chocolate??????

  2. Yes my house can be a barrel of laughter with all of the testosterone - not!

  3. Oh wow! Thanks for the award! What a lovely surprise!

    Congratulations on your novel, that's very impressive! As is surviving in a house with 5 males. That in itself is worthy of an award!!

  4. I could have written 1, 5 and 6! :) Finally, another non-chocolate person. I'm not alone! :) Congrats on the over 60,000 words on your first novel - amazing!! :)

    Thanks so much for thinking of me and honoring me with the award. It's nice to 'meet' you! And thank you so much for your kind words on my blog - they meant a lot!

    RTT Rebel Week 4

  5. Fi! Thank you. And congratulations to you.

    The award
    60,000 words
    a grandchild -- another boy -- oh my!

    That is a lot of testosterone -- maybe estrogen in the drinking water might help? Or the beer ? :)

    thanks again.


  6. Fi! Congrats well desreved and earned. Congrats to you choices and you will love being a grandma. A boy! Well you have lots of practice so that is good.

  7. Fi ~ what a delight and surprise! I'm so honored to accept Versatile Blogger Award and will look forward to paying it forward!

    I'm not a chocolate girl either ~ Yay for us!! And as one with a blended family as well, let me applaud you for all your work growing boys into men. No small feat, my friend.

    I'll look forward to visiting often and thank you again for such sweet thoughts about my blog. Be blessed!


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